Thursday, 6 June 2013

College Finished!

No alteration today, just happiness!  I have finished the college course, and unless City and Guilds think differently to my tutor, I have passed.  

How funny to think that 40 odd years ago my Mum did the same course and also taught sewing for adult education!  She does 'real 'sewing - following instructions, altering patterns, making hems level, whereas I do far more making it up as we go, but all the same!

I did get Southern Star's binding finished when I got home.  

There is some quilting too, I copied the 8 sided star and turned it into an embroidery machine stitch and stitched it randomly a dozen or so times


  1. congratulations ... lets hope they DO agree with your tutor Im sure they will x

  2. Congratulations!! Have fun teachering!!

  3. Congratulations on your C&G! More congratulations on your lovely star - I think that the squares you added to it really set it off well. Good work all round!

  4. Well done on passing your course! And well done on your quilt!

  5. Congratulations Benta, how great to be following in your Mum's footsteps too.

  6. Congratulations - of course you've passed!!!

  7. Congrats on passing your course! So well deserved! And your star looks great. I love the starry quilting idea :)

  8. Well done Benta, really well deserved. Isn't it strange how we follow in so many of our mothers' footsteps? Well actually I suppose it isn't strange at all!!


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