Saturday 15 February 2014

Community Creating

Our two villages have had a stressful week - we've been hit by the rains and storms that the rest of the UK has experienced, and also been hit by the threat of, (and in some cases the reality of) flooding and evacuation.  Add to this the work so many have put in manning the help desk phones, coordinating the army, the police, the fire & rescue staff, the RNLI crews and the village volunteers, and volunteering to man road blocks, cook meals for the volunteers and make endless cups of tea and coffee.

Stressful indeed!

So I hoped that it would be fun for them to come to Kids' Crafty Church for a bit of making this afternoon.

I think it was:  We had 10 families, 19 children, and lots of making.  The children particularly enjoyed making Thank You cards for the soldiers and other volunteers who "saved our village"

Who not go and see all the photos on the Fun With Fabric blog

"Without ART, EARTH is just EH"


  1. You are so amazing and kind, Benta! I hope everyone stays safe during these difficult times.

  2. Hope the worst has passed for you Benta and that it is sunshine all the way on in!

  3. hope you stay safe .. and dry x Sun shining here in Cheshire this am .. hope its the same where you are x

  4. Good work to all of you Benta. You must be a very "together" community.

  5. Lovely idea to say thank you :o)

  6. I was thinking the Jubilee River was taking of you! I do hope you're ok now and that the worst of the weather is over :)

  7. I'm catching up on your blog backwards (can not seem to get it to stick in my feed reader), and just realized that you were in the flooding. So sorry, and hope things get back together soon. Glad you could help others.


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