Tuesday 18 February 2014

Ireland Indeed

Not only am I off to visit Jackie in Ireland* on Friday (YIPPEE) but I've also finished making the 9 patch blocks for my Essential Irish quilt.  The next stage is taking them to mum's so we can speed date the blocks on her thankfully uncluttered floor (unlike mine) and work out how to best arrange them.

I have temporarily mislaid the sketch of the layout, so I hope I have the right number of all darks, 6 darks and 4 darks, but I do have 130 blocks made and pressed

(*baddies need not bother trying to establish my address: the rest of the family are staying home and the police, military and other emergency services are camped in the village repairing the flood damage - this must be the safest three square miles in the south east of England!!!!!)


  1. Hi Benta, fingers crossed that all the blocks are there. Hope you have a lovely time in Ireland.

  2. Why is it mothers always have space for things like that? Actually in my case it's my gran that has that kind of space. She doesn't collect *stuff*, which I'm sure i'll be grateful for in a few years' time...

    Have a great time in Ireland

  3. good luck with the laying out xx Have a wonderful visit x

  4. Have a wonderful time in Ireland, looking forward to seeing your Irish chain blocks in all their glory soon!

  5. Have a great time in Ireland.Can´t wait to see all your blocks together!

  6. You could lay them out here but they would probably take up too much room in your suitcase and anyway some of them might get left behind :-) I did tell you how much I like them didn't I !!

  7. You've sure made a lot of these blocks! Can't wait to see them together. Have a great time in Ireland.


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