Sunday 10 April 2016

End of Easter

So the Easter hols are, to all intents and purposes, over :-(  My alarms are set for tomorrow and I'm off to bed!

Just quickly going to share a bit of sewing I managed this weekend - "thank you" pouches for some lovely people who have donated stuff!!!! 

Back to working 40+ hours a week from tomorrow so not much sewing :-(


  1. I'm always glad when hubby goes back to work - he's a putterer and he tends to drive me crazy when he's home too much ;) Cute zippies!

  2. sorry you have to go back to school! The pouches will be so useful for the girls you have made them for

  3. You have had a very productive Easter holiday Benta! Roll on the next one :)

  4. You can dream about sewing even if you are too busy to do any :-)
    You had a very productive Easter xx


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