I started this blog for me - it expanded to show BFF Jackie what I was doing - and a few others have invited themselves too - everybody welcome! Mostly about patchwork, with random comments about embroidery, family and life in general, come on in, put your feet up, and I'll put the [virtual] kettle on.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
I Is In Ireland!
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Beautiful Batiks
As sometimes happens I had to wait a while for them to speak to me; to tell me what they should become.
But today they have been cut and stitched and cut again: the inspiration from Pinterest is with them.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Awesome Amo
Another blogger I've followed for years is Amo who blogs at The View From Our Hill
She is incredibly talented, and beyond generous!!!!!
She knows I'm teaching a bunting class in a few weeks
And had been cutting bunting triangles for herself, but had cut a few too many . . . So posted them to me - two parcels, and a huge number of triangles!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amo xxxx
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Tidying with the Thistle
One of the blogs I've followed for the longest is the lovely Katy at Littlest Thistle. No only does she make fab quilts, she also has some great ideas for sorting her sewing room . . . And some ideas have to be copied!
These are the pics from her recent sewing supplies posts.
I have "part 1" on my Amazon wish list, and thanks to being able to canabalise some hangers of Lisa's . . .
My zips are now organised rather than being muddled in a drawer!
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Laying out the Lighthouse
We had Crafty Church this afternoon. I didn't get many pics, but I pinned the next borders onto the lighthouse quilt (just need a bit more cream fabric) and managed to (standing on tiptoes, on a door balanced on the pews) get a pic of most of the quilt
There is beginning to be hope that it will be finished in time to be handed over next month!
There were ten of us at Crafty Church, but I only got pics of Lynne's creations ...
Aren't they fab! Such personalities!!!!
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Lots of Leaflets
It's the Queen's 90th birthday this year - there has been all sorts of celebrations already, but there are big things planned for the weekends of 10th and 17th of June. She's a neighbour of ours - well Windsor castle is less than 5 miles away - and the villages are planning to go all out!
So we need bunting!
I've done a bunting class before as part of Craft Church, but it was quite a few years ago, so we thought we'd have another go. I was even given funding for fliers so I had my first go of printing leaflets with Vistaprint ... And they arrived today
Lots of them! Now bundled into 30s ready for distribution at the schools and churches, and brownies and scouts!
And in other news, I've finished a panel for a cupboard at school,
and used the left over bits to make bean bags for maths lessons: front...
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Finished with Flags
If you're a regular visitor to this blog you may know about my Lighthouse Quilt (if you want a reminder you can click on the list of labels on the left)
This is a real procrastination quilt - I'd rather do anything than work on it (OK, *almost* anything, I haven't resorted to cleaning bathrooms yet). However, it's been in the making for two years and needs to be ready for an 80th birthday next month, so I really had to get on with it.
The centre was completed about a year ago:
(21st century problems: getting a photo from the blog when you are using an iPad, bah!)
Since then I have added a border of embroidered rope, but nothing more. However with a completely free Saturday I have now managed to create 26 marine alphabet flags
And with a mostly free Sunday I have started joining them so I can add them as a border:
AND I have converted the flags into embroidery designs so the 4 corners will have the birthday message spelt out in flags
So this might actually be finished before the big day!
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Peg Posting
I started by cutting 4 rectangles 10" X 11", and cut a scoop along the short side of one pair

I stitched each rectangle to a scooped rectangle, (leaving a gap in the base of one pair)
I turned one right side out and put that inside its twin, and arranged a 36" web strap, and stitched around the top
I snipped the curved edge
And turned it through the opening inside
And then took a rubbish photo!!!!!
Not sure husband's photo is much better, but here it is
Hope Bea likes it
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Palm Post
Could she have a couple of palm trees please!
I hope these are ok
They started like this!
Luckily the lovely carpet man cut it shorter for me so it fitted into the car. Brian made the base while I painted the trunks and cut leaves
Since then I've been tidying and ironing, maybe *tomorrow* I'll get some sewing done!
Friday, 6 May 2016
Museum Making
How stunning are they!!!!
And today we made Suffolk Puffs (aka yoyos)
And Susan brought a wall hanging she made some years ago:
It's such fun working with such talented ladies!
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Blogging about Bramble
I haven't done much else fabric related, but I did see these great tables outside a bar in Poland!
I think they should be compulsory at all bars!!!!