Sunday 22 May 2016

Tidying with the Thistle

One of the blogs I've followed for the longest is the lovely Katy at Littlest Thistle. No only does she make fab quilts, she also has some great ideas for sorting her sewing room . . . And some ideas have to be copied!

These are the pics from her recent sewing supplies posts.

I have "part 1" on my Amazon wish list, and thanks to being able to canabalise some hangers of Lisa's . . .

My zips are now organised rather than being muddled in a drawer!



  1. Sounds like a plan, Benta. I've also made small inroads into organising. This week I've bought a magnetic knife holder from IKEA for the wall in my room for holding scissors. Hopefully no more hunting around for them!

  2. Oh how I love seeing zipper collections, lol! Mine happily reside in 3 plastic shoebox type containers - sorted by size. The box with the umptillion X 9" zips, is is sorted by colour :D

  3. both good tips but do not think the sewing thread I buy would fit in the boxes, fingers crossed that you continue to keep things nice and tidy I start with good intentions but they do not seem to last!

  4. I like what you've done. Grandma Alice will be able to keep a good eye on the from there, too.

    One day I'm going to be organised.

  5. I love the zip storage much better than my ziplock bags

  6. That is a great way to organise your zips :)


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