Thursday 5 May 2016

Blogging about Bramble

I've been working with a friend's daughter to make a "Crafty Pony" that she got for Christmas. Today we added the tail and made the numnah, and Bramble now looks complete!

How cute is that???? We've still got the saddle, reins and bridle to make, but M has got something she can play with!

I haven't done much else fabric related, but I did see these great tables outside a bar in Poland!

I think they should be compulsory at all bars!!!!


  1. I am sure there will be hours of play and delight with the pony. Such a shame the machines do not work any more but at least they were not destroyed but still serve a purpose.I so enjoyed using a treadle machine in my younger days!

  2. Lovely wee pony Benta. I'd be very tempted to install a load of belts on those machines and invite passes-by to have a go. Could be called exercise after all with the treadle pedal!

  3. The pony is looking good. Wouldn't it be great if the machines worked?Although could lead to problems if there was drink involved!

  4. I LOVE Bramble! And those tables are wonderful :)

  5. Bramble looks so cute now that he has hair.

  6. That is such a cute little pony! Be great if the machines worked. Could have drop in sewing sessions. Lol

  7. love that pony .. and the tables xx

  8. I love Bramble :) Although ... I think your friend's daugher will have to be careful, as Bramble looks like a bit of a trouble-maker - I think adventures will be forthcoming! ;)

  9. Bramble is adorable Benta, and aren't those tables fun!


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