Monday, 23 May 2016

Awesome Amo

Another blogger I've followed for years is Amo who blogs at The View From Our Hill

She is incredibly talented, and beyond generous!!!!!

She knows I'm teaching a bunting class in a few weeks


And had been cutting bunting triangles for herself, but had cut a few too many . . . So posted them to me - two parcels, and a huge number of triangles!


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amo xxxx



  1. Go, Amo! It's great to have great friends.

  2. Total kismet! They were coming your way anyway and when you posted you were doing the bunting I laughed out loud!

  3. these will be a great help have a great bunting day

  4. I so want to come and make bunting with you all - but even more I want to drink wine and gossip!!


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