Thursday 11 August 2016

The one where Lisa has been crocheting

I thought I'd share Lisa's current crocheting project: it's looking fab!

it's got some way to go - she's hoping for about twice this size!

I love the coloured wools in the blacks

We are hoping to get some more of the coloured wool

And a shed load more of the black - if you see any please let me know!"

And by the time you see this I will have given this I spy quilt to baby Dara's granny (aka Jackie) so thanks to scheduled posting I can post this pic too

All ready to travel back to Ireland for this gorgeous chappy

1 comment:

  1. Lovely colour yarn!! I really love some of the sock yarn for the nice colour changes but they're always in too fine a ply. I will keep my eyes open. And a beautiful bonnie baby. He looks delighted at Jackie being his nan too!


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