Tuesday 17 January 2012

Even more TLAs and other acronyms

Here are some of my favourites - although the one I use the most is when I have a CRAFT moment - Cant Find A Flipping Thing

DH = Dear (or Darn) Husband
DIY = Do it yourself
DSM = domestic sewing machine
F8/FE = Fat Eighth
FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FFO = Finally Finished Object
FIU = Finish It Up
FLIMSY = Finished top, not quilted
FM = free motion quilting
FQ = Fat Quarter
Frog Stitching = ripping out stitched seams (rip it, rip it)
HP = hand piecing
HQ = hand quilting
HST = Half square triangle
HSY = Haven't Started Yet (pronounced hussy)
NQR = Not Quilt Related (an alternative to OT)
OSMG = Old Sewing Machine Guy
PHD = Project Half Done
PIGs = Project In a Grocery Sack
PIPS = projects in process
PITS = Project In Totes
PIW = project in waiting (waiting to grow up to be a WIP)
QIMM = Quilts in My Mind
QST= Quarter Square Triangles
RTFM = Read The Flipping Manual (last resort!)
SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SEX = Stash Enhancement EXperience (or eXcursion)
SID = stitch-in-the-ditch quilting
Siggies = Squares of fabric with signatures and often other info written on them
Squishie = Envelopes filled with swap fabric/blocks (squishy is the way they
STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
TBQ = To Be Quilted
TGIF = Thank God It's Finished!
TOAD = trashed object abandoned in disgust
UFO = UnFinished Object
USO = UnStarted Object
VIP = Very Important Project
WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
WIMM = Work in my mind
WIP = Work in progress
WISP = Work In Slow Progress
WIVSP = Work In Very Slow Progress
WIWMI = Wish It Would Make Itself
WOA = Work of art
WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
WWIT = What Was I Thinking


  1. These are great! There were several I hadn't heard. Thanks for the education.

  2. Too, too complicated for this early in the morning. I am afraid they just make me turn off! xx

  3. Forgot to mention that Internet Explorer hss been plying up for two weeks and not allowing comments on blogspot, yet works perfectly with Chrome. Did you know this?

  4. Aww, your RTFM translation is so much more polite than it is in the IT world ;o)

  5. Haha - funny - thanks for the instruction! Only knew a handful of those!


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