Tuesday 3 January 2012

A finish from me, and a finish from him

 I've been plodding through my to-do-list again, and yesterday I finished mum's birthday present - another Pink Penguin's lunch bag's big brother

Brian has stopped working on the kitchen floor, but I do have a new door on the downstairs loo:

And thanks to Pinterest inspiration - how fab is this handle?  And there is a spoon on the other side of the door :-)


  1. Hi Benta! Wonderful bag and I love the fabric! What a great idea for a door handle! x Teje

  2. I love the door and the handles, well done Brian!
    Great bag lovely fabric.

  3. The door handles are great and I love the bag.

  4. Lovely bag. Lovely door - and handles - my mind boggles with a question - how did you manage without the door? Ha ha!

    Annabelle xx

  5. Fun door handles! I will make no comment as to why you need a spoon in the loo!! x

  6. Bloody hell, what size is her lunch?! Love the door handles though


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