Sunday 6 May 2012

The best sort of shopping

You may remember I made a quilt for a friend of Lisa's 21st. [Heather's Black and White and Pink]  Well her mum, Carol, asked if I would make another one, for her sister.  In purple please

I don't know about you, but purple is one of the coloursI have problems matching - so many shades.  I pulled a whole load from my stash, and sent them off with Heva (Heather!).  There were a few Carol liked, so we agreed to meet at Helen's - a log cabin in Helen's garden where she sells fabrics and holds classes.

Like me, Carol likes Spraytime, and the one I think of as snakeskin: we had a lovely time choosing these fabrics.  So just to make this very clear . . .
  • I got to go to a fabric shop, 
  • I come out with fabrics that I can cut into (however I like) 
  • and stitch back together (however I like)
  • and I didn't have to spend any money


I didn't think the day could get any better, until Carol asked if I could make some place mats too, so we had to choose MORE fabric for me to use

I even got some sewing done: no pic as it's just a pile of fabric, but Endless Ribbon got ironed pressed (thank you Jackie) and the first row stitched - it is now 27.5m long and 4.5 inches wide - What a fab holiday weekend!


  1. Glad you had a good one!
    No cooking then?

  2. Wasn't a bad way to spend the weekend!

  3. Love the idea of not paying but I think I would struggle if they didn't like my choices! Control freak that I am! I never knew! Haha!

  4. New fabric to play with and not having to spend any money, how cool is that!!

  5. That sounds like the best type of shopping by far! And those purples are beautiful, but then I am biased as I love purples anyway.

  6. You seem to have had a very good Bank Holiday! LOL x


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