Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Friends and Fabric

Jackie, my quilting twin, came over from Ireland for a 48 hour flying visit at the weekend.  I put her to work at the village fair on Saturday (we were an ace Gazebo erecting team, although not such a hot chasing-a-flying-gazebo-across-the-cricket-green team!) and then went on a fabric shop trawl on Sunday.

I was obviously traumatised by not having enough red to finish my Somerset Star, and then I was lead astray by Jackie (it's all her fault) and the circumstances weren't helped by us finding ourselves at Creative Quilting in Hampton Court

So I, um, cough, sheepish look, bought even more fabric!!!!!!

However - it is kind of justified as I have just had another request for an I Spy quilt, and these are all I Spy fabrics

This evening I have been working on the sashing for the Windsor A to Z project: Designing the text on the computer, and then stitching in onto the sashing fabric . . .

And more . . .

Who can guess what I need to be doing tomorrow night!


  1. Hmm, tomorrow you're seeing if any leftover red matches your missing star point? ;o)

  2. N-Z per chance!?
    PS your new font is hurting my eyes!

  3. Benta, you are so productive , you put me to shame. Also not sure about the new font - tricky on my ageing eyes.

  4. I'm glad it's not just me who finds the new font hard to read!!! Sorry Benta! perhaps you need younger readers!

  5. Have to agree with the above, font is hard to read, but I haven't been to Specsavers yet....
    I take full responsibility for the fabric buying spree, but wasn't it fun and isn't the fabric beautiful! Have added Gazebo erecting to the CV LOL :-)

  6. You can never have enough fabric, silly girl!
    I love the embroidered sashing!

  7. Hi Benta, where are you?! You have won!!! Beautiful fabrics - there is never too much fabrics or what! x Teje

  8. Lovely collection there ;-)
    Linda is right, you can never have enough fabric ;-)
    I dont think the font is too bad, it's just too bold. Maybe you find the same font a bit slimmer.

  9. That sashing will be great! I'm guessing tomorrow night you'll be buying more fabric?


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