Sunday 8 June 2014

Crafty Church

Yesterday was a great day - in the afternoon I ran Kids Crafty Church: we made super hero masks, hema bead designs and corn dollies made from wool (thanks Kate)

As for the corn dollies - tow of the kids thought they'd made great earrings for mum but mum threatened to cancel our friendship if I published the photo - will this compromise retain our friendship?

Then in the evening I ran Bunting Bonanza - a bunting making session - it was great fun and I forgot to take photos during , but grabbed this pic of Lucy and Kathy before they went home !


  1. You are one busy gal - two events in one day.

  2. Looks like great fun was had by all!

  3. good to see children being involved in crafty things

  4. Very busy! All looks like fun!

  5. You are definitely doing your bit to share the joy of crafting Benta, they both sound like fun events.

  6. Looks like the parents are having as much fun as the kids!


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