Saturday, 7 June 2014

Essentially Exhausted

Over the last few days I have finished assembling and have actually quilted the Essential Irish quilt -,quite a battle at times, but I'm loving the colours in the darker essential dots from Moda:

I've quilted either side of the chains . . .

. . . which isn't very easy to see, but if you look on the back, sunk into the oh so soft fleece, you can see the quilt lines
As if that wasn't enough with the Essential dots, I've also got as far as I can go with the Essential Dots Lone Star:
I've echo quilted twice both inside and outside the edge of the star, and have also triple quilted another star within the shape

I can't go any further with these until I can buy some more dots for the binding, and I think it will be a while before I work on even one quilt as big as these (lone star is about 2m x 2.5m, and Irish Chain isn't much smaller) let alone two!!
Plans for today include Kids's Crafty Church and a evening Bunting class - followed by a large glass of wine!!!!


  1. Nice going. Big relief when a large project moves onto the final step.

  2. Good or you for tackling such big projects!

  3. Well done on those huge quilts they are beautiful and so worth all your hard work xx

  4. productive as ever Benta, your energy amazes me.

  5. lovely, re the fleece does it not stretch and go out of shape when you try and quilt, the fleece I ahae seen is very stretchy, do like the idea as would be lovely on a lap quilt etc as it is so soft

  6. These are looking really great :) Time for a break, I think :)

  7. You definitely deserve that wine Benta!


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