Saturday 5 July 2014

Madly Multi Tasking

Thirteen more alarm clock mornings until the summer hols, but still lots on my to-do list.

I've been embroidering some work shirts for a customer . . .

while I've been tidying up some embroidery designs the kids at school at have done . . .

and playing with some new transfer paints planning a new class at Chertsey Museum

Paint a picture, and then iron onto polyester . . .
(yes that really is the result from ironing my paining, and no I can't paint a pic of a VW campervan, but I *can* print on from Google images, and paint within the lines!)


  1. love the playing xx do you HAVE to keep reminding us how quick the time is going before the kids are of!! lol x

  2. 13 more alarms. I hope you have a great summer

  3. camper van has worked a treat, I am sure I have some transfer paints lurking somewhere, maybe I will have a play too

  4. I can't believe that you managed to carve out some more play time for yourself! Well done! Love the campervan!


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