Sunday 30 April 2017

2017 Wk 17 - Mostly Trees and Orange

I've been working, on and off, on my Wendy Dolan treescape.
I attacked my naked appliqué with paint
Hmmmm, not feeling the love!
This has taken me right out of my comfort zone, but I have been encouraged by Plum's version of a more architectural themed design
(Stolen from Plum's blog - hope she'll forgive me!)
So I started with FMQ
And some hand stitching, and now it's looking like this
More flowers are growing on the hill!
Meanwhile the embroidery machine is *still* working hard - the dark red tops have been done, and I'm now on the orange ones!

I'll be back when there is something other than flowers or embroidered orange tshirts to show you!
The flowers are finished! Good night


  1. That kind of free form project would be beyond my comfort zone - but I've been doing tiny little steps towards "freewheeling" when I do different things to embellish my zipper bags. Sometimes when I'm doing the organic almost-matchstick quilting I go off on a curve just for fun. That's as freewheeling as I generally get, lol. I love your field of flowers - the (burlap?) field gives it a nice touch of texture!

  2. I play a game called Draw Something with my friend from Japan. It has helped me work from the background up better than anything else. When I did the car with the horse, I was thinking- what's behind the horse, what's behind the trees and that gives you clues on how to build the landscape. I love this - you should do this kind of work more often.

  3. loving your trees I seem to remember going something similar when I did my City and Guilds back in the 90`s as part of the machine embroidery module I never managed to do well with machine embroidery unlike you. Good to see you are well on the way to completing the t shirts

  4. Isn't it amazing what a difference a few stitches can make? The treescape is looking really good Benta, your comfort zone is expanding at a rate of knots :)

  5. Well done for persisting Benta, this looks very good now. Love the flowers.

  6. The tree scape looks good. The extra applique and embroidery has made a Lovely picture.

  7. Your treescape is brilliant! I enjoyed seeing it evolve through all the stages :)

  8. I love it, you did very well out of your comfort zone :-)

  9. I love it, Benta! It's brilliant! You've inspired me again! Your stitching is gorgeous, love the flowers! You'll never guess ..... I have a picture I painted at the tie dye workshop years ago, and it could be the same place as your picture! But it's not finished!!!
    One day!


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