Wednesday, 26 October 2011

My Baby is back

My nest has been very empty for the last few days - Niki and 3 friends have been to Benidorm for a long weekend, but they have finally returned and the house is again full of dirty washing in strange places, and the tea mugs have started to migrate back to her bedroom.  My life feels a bit more normal!

Today I got interviewed by the Borough's Adult Education team - interviewed for the post of teaching Fun With Fabric at the children's centre in Windsor.  Yes, the teaching that I started 4 weeks ago!  Hopefully once the red tape has been sorted they will start paying me for what I'm doing :-)

I also went off and taught the Fun With Fabric session.  Only two came, but probably because it's half term.  Hopefully we'll be back to normal numbers next week.  The two that did come are doing well.  One has started three Christmas stockings, and another has started a table runner in Christmassy fabrics.  I'll try and get photos next week.

I also got approached by Sam, one of the Army Welfare women.  They are opening a cafe and need an opening plaque.  As I did the one for the Children's Centre would I mind making one for the Cafe too?  Oh, and the mayor is coming to cut the ribbon on Tuesday!

She sent me their logo, and was happy that I change the diamond into more of a cartoon diamond as there is no way I can get the sparkle duplicated in stitches.
So I have spent the evening designing the plaque.  Until they approve it I shant stitch it out, but I can show you the screen print.

I'm quite pleased with it - I hope Sam is too!


  1. My goodness that's a mouthful of a name!
    Good stuff tho xxx

  2. Way to crank out that plaque! Hope the red tape disappears an the pay appears soon for you :o)

  3. WeI have been having Chris staying with us for the past month and it has been lovely to have him home again. Even when they go, they're never really gone. I hope Niki had a grat time.

    Good luck with the red tape cutting and the mayor tape cutting too! Is there supposed to be another 'the' after Worshipful?

  4. Sorry about speeling! Trying to rush out the door!!

  5. Hope the pay starts rolling in soon!! Well done on the plaque. And welcome home Niki!

  6. Glad Niki had a good time! And hope Adult Ed. start paying you soon! xxx


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