I am a member of a Quilting Bee: Each month we all make a block
for one member, and we will all get a month over the next year and a
half when the block are made for us. The loose theme of the Bee is to
make a block representing where you live, and each month the recipient
gives us her request within that.
This is the month of a lovely lady called May , and she is the overall organiser.
May gave us this brief:
I'm making a scrapbook quilt, free style, with your blocks and some of mine thrown in.
This scrapbook will tell the tale of this trip and a bit of my own
travels here and there.
Anything goes, piecing, stitchery, 3D... I'm going to use lace, buttons,
ribbons and who knows what else as well.
Colours: pastel, mainly pink or rose as guideline. Yellow, baby blue,
orange, purple, green... Motives: think of pictures. What would you take
a picture of in your country? Animals, buildings?
All of which took me straight out of my comfort zone!!!
I have started with a pastel raw edge Union Flag
but from her requests, it is clearly too bland at the moment. I'm off
to Festival of Quilts next week, and can look for buttons, lace, etc,
but do I add them to the pink, to the blue, anywhere? I'd love to go a
bit steampunk, but don't have the confidence to even start
have bought these rubber stamps, and I have some Versa Craft stamp pads
which work on fabric, but I have the same issues with using these. -
where do I put them?
idea is to print a photo of Windsor Castle onto it. According to
Pinterest, I can print onto the shiny side of freezer paper and then
press that onto the fabric, is that scrap booky enough?
Has anyone used shrinkies? I could maybe make buttons with some, perhaps with images of Windsor, or maybe using these stamps, how small will they get?
Sorry I have gone off at a bit of a ramble here, can you tell I have *no* idea what to do!
Any suggestions welcome
I started this blog for me - it expanded to show BFF Jackie what I was doing - and a few others have invited themselves too - everybody welcome! Mostly about patchwork, with random comments about embroidery, family and life in general, come on in, put your feet up, and I'll put the [virtual] kettle on.
Hi Benta, whatever you decide is bound to be just perfect!
ReplyDeleteCan you send your address again privately?
Benta, I think you should imagine you are one of your own students and do whatever you would say to them. This flag is perfect and I'm sure May will love it! I also think a couple of those stamps placed anywhere would be fab :)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, actually, I keep meaning to post a tute on making buttons and zipper pulls out of shrink plastic. It's very easy to use, just remember how much it shrinks by when using detailed designs, it could end up looking more like a big smudge!
ReplyDeleteOh cram on as much as you can!!