Saturday, 23 March 2013

Hundreds of Hexies

Miserable weather, good company (lovely to see you mum) and nothing planned, so chatting, drinking cups of coffee, and tacking hexies . . . and when the box was filled, I started sewing some together


  1. That's a lot of hexies! I spy a pattern in the background too, so you are clearly a gal with a plan! x

  2. Such a neat box of hexies! Look forward to seeing what they become

  3. Wow! So many hexies love the sneak peek of the design!

  4. Well you were due to do some sewing after your last lazy few days ;o)

  5. Such a lovely stack. It will be so lovely

  6. Sound like a good day to me!!!! Now if I can prise Elsa out of her running shoes we too could do with a day like that!!


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