Friday, 12 April 2013

Bizarre But Brilliant

When Jackie recently said she had a present for me, but handed me some toe separators, I was a bit confused.  I though Jackie realised / knew me well enough to grasp that I was very low maintenance - and that stuff from the beauty counter was not likely to get used much, if at all!

But then she showed me what it was *really* for:  4 bobbins, and they wont come unravelled at all as I drag my sewing stuff around the countryside

Jackie - I love you!


  1. They really do hold the bobbins securely and probably work as toe seperators too LOL!

  2. this made me laugh sooo much ! xx

  3. brilliant indeed! I have a few of those things laying around collecting dust...

  4. I love multifunctional products, very funny.

  5. Now there's a cunning plan! I think I also have some unused somewhere...


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