Sunday, 28 April 2013

Happy St Georges Day

OK, so St George's Day was last Tuesday, but this is the first Sunday after. I only had one child at Sunday school today - Rodney, and he was telling me about the St George's Day parade he was going to later, so we scrapped the planned lesson, and taught each other about St George, and made a picture.

After the service, Sunday School always does a Show and Tell, and Rodney (age 9) told the whole story himself. I just tried to do the glamorous assistant bit and held up the pic!

Annoyingly I then came home to a flat tyre, so I spent the rest of Sunday Morning at Kwik Fit getting it repaired.

I did manage to get to the sewing machine in the afternoon, but I'll show you that tomorrow.

For today, I will leave you with this sent to me today by my boss


  1. Its so important that we procraftinate as often as possible !!

  2. You mean there are people who do the laundry and dishes instead of crafting?? Weird!!

  3. Your boss knows you well ;o)

    We saw a St George's Day parade on Saturday in Lytham. It was... odd...

  4. We still have the St George's flag up throughout the village.
    Oh and I think I have a serious case of 'procraftination'!


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