Wednesday 18 June 2014

School for Sewing

I *still* haven't got much sewing done recently, but we certainly managed loads at school yesterday!

I'm teaching the year 4 class how to design for the embroidery machine (and they have managed to teach me new stuff about the software I have been using for nearly 8 years!!!)

A's first design on the computer

And stitching

After school I had a few hours free, so Valerie brought in her quilt (her first quilt, that we started over the Easter hols), and we got it finished:

That happy face says it all!

And then I spent two evening hours with half a dozen mums, a grandma and an ex-pupil learning how to read paper patterns, and how to cut all sorts of corners (we are looking for quantity over quality!) to make costumes - the school production of Aladdin needs 100 pairs of trousers, and 50 each of strappy tops and waist coats!

Three more weeks, we can do this (I was pinning trouser legs together in my dreams last night!)


  1. you CAN get those costumes done in time!! lol x my grandsons are always "showing" grandma how to .."do stuff on the computer"!!! lol x

  2. Oh I know this one so well! My daughters used to sign me in as a "volunteer" for almost everything that came up :-(

  3. Well done on ALL your sewing endeavours! Good luck with the trousers etc! I'm sure that three weeks will be enough so long as you have sufficient helpers!

  4. Wonderful! I wish we'd done that when I was at school :)

  5. Kudos for helping sew costumes. Thankfully? my kids never really did drama (pun intended) and I never got asked. However, my good friend who teaches 4-H sewing gets asked all the time.

  6. Go Benta go! Is this another set of costumes on a shoestring budget?

  7. Will we pin trousers for the weekend ???? LOL

  8. Good luck with the trousers Benta, bet you can't wait for the School Holidays!

  9. Go you can.The quilt is beautiful but most her great smile!!


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