Sunday 30 January 2011

Forest Ideas

Any thoughts?

I've been playing with my Block Lotto trees, and although I could mix them to make one biggish quilt, I could use the negatives and the positives separately to make two smaller quilts
The coloured trees on black could be staggered randomly like the black trees, or they could be in rows with black infill like this (except there is one red tree in the wrong place!)
These will probably be charity quilts, so two cot size quilts will be fine

Ho, hum, but I shouldn't be working on these yet anyway, so they can all go back in the box for another day


  1. Benta I love all your blocks.Whatever you decide to do, it will be a/2 great quilts.

  2. Yes I can see why you would like to do two quilts out of the blocks - I like that idea !!

  3. They will make great charity quilts. If you needed more blocks it would be fun to add a star or two at the top..!


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