Friday, 11 January 2013

How to store fabric

I found this on Pinterest, and it seemed very apt (although she is at Uni, not college)

But when I got a phone call " mummy, I'm not well, no one will make me a cup of tea, can I come home, and will you make me tea, and soup, and hot bread, and more tea?" I couldn't really refuse, even though it did take me ages to clear her bed, LOL


  1. aww! that what being a mum is all abot xx Hope she feels better soon x

  2. Ah the poor love, hope it passes quickly!

  3. Can't beat being looked after by your Mum.

  4. I did that to my mum when I got glandular fever while at uni ;o) Mums are the best looker-afterers (yes it is very late here, my vocab goes to sleep early :o) )

  5. Awww... If mine wasnt so far I'd have done exactly the same... lol

  6. What is the difference between uni and college?

  7. Hope she feels better soon! My mum was the worst looker afterer ever (I love her dearly but she doesn't 'do' ill or injured!)

  8. I'm sending my 3 off with a teasmaid!

  9. Blogger is not behaving so cannot see the pic. :(


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