Thursday, 31 January 2013

Plenty of Pins

Thanks to all who commented on the plan to match the back and the front of the hexi table runner, and especially to Katy and Hadley who instructed me to pin, pin and pin through all the layers.

I finished slip stitching the hexies to the grey side, and then set to matching back and front.  The first time I did the pinning I forgot to add the wadding first - a few, um, *choice* words were used!  Then I took it apart and repinned

I think I matched all the points

I just hope it matches as well when I have finished sewing!  If not, plan B involves the quilting being random hexagons on the plain fabric


  1. I do hope this works. It's going to be amazing :)

  2. I am the unpinning queen of sewing - so no stranger to choice words - my solution - (always) is a cup of tea and a cool down.

  3. That looks incredibly scary! Your quilt tops arrived, thanks so much, you totally rock :o)


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