Thursday, 10 October 2013

Handful of Hexie Quilts

Do you remember the Huge Hexi flimsy?

I blogged about it here.  The 3m square flimsy was given to one of the ladies at Chertsey Museum, but no one had a use for it.  Finally we chopped it into six pieces, all 1m x 1.5m, and various people took them home to quilt and finish

Well a few hours chatting to the family and watching TV over the last week or so, and I have a handful of them ready to go to charity


  1. well done x nice to know all that work will be used and loved x

  2. Congratulations and sure they will be delighted with them.Have a fun weekend!

  3. That must have been a gigantic quilt. I wonder who had the patience for that? It's wonderful that it has been rescued ; )

  4. That was a great idea, even I love all the little hexies mixed together! x Teje

  5. Great rescue work Benta, an unloved flimsy has been transformed into what will undoubtedly be well used and loved quilts.

  6. Well done you have been very productive xx

  7. Good to see you've been keeping busy with everything whilst I've been gadding about! Enjoy the new toy!

  8. What a satisfying pile you have there!!


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