Friday 17 January 2014

A Few new Friends

The new course at school Started this week: I had no idea how many to expect, but had three "can't come this week will be there next week" messages! In the end Niki came with me, and two lovely ladies came, so a slow start, but a lovely evening.
All set up waiting . . .
Kate brought a book of fabric samples she had got her hands on: we couldn't peel the stickers off, so she had a lesson on rotary cutting and pretty soon had them all cut to a usable size. This pic is lack and white as we were considering their values, but in fact they were all lovely: very calm creams, yellows, pale blues reds and greens. She got most of them sewn into strips before we left - lots of ironing to do next

Tara came with fabrics to make a bag for her niece, and has the bag planned and cut (and stitched and unstitched, but we shan't dwell on that!!!)

Niki also stitched - she's working on a charity quilt, but I didn't get any photos


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