Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hand sewing and embroidery today

A few bits and pieces today, nothing from the to-do list, but mostly because I forgot to put these on the list!

I have measured and tacked the hem of Lisa's curtains, but want mum to check that they are OK and level and stuff before I press and sew them

Last year I contributed some blocks to the Linus quilt charity, and had a very nice email from the lady who went on to make a quilt out of them.  This year they are asking for transport themed blocks.  I'm not much for paper piecing etc, but I have a set of embroidery designs on the same theme, so, remembering that Festival Of Quilts is just ten sleeps away, I embroidered a whole load of blocks

and turned one into a postcard for Lisa as she's back at Uni

 I also did some embroidery on an I-Spy quilt for the new grandson of a friend of mum's

This on the front...

and this on the back

 and then binding round the sides ... not really the weather for sewing on binding, but there you go!


  1. Thank you -- Nathan's I Spy Quilt looks lovely! LOL xxx

  2. Great embroidery!
    FoQ off!! So jealous!


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