Tuesday 15 November 2011

I won something!

Late last night I opened an email from the lovely Lis form Piece'n'Peace.  She's just  posted her FIVE HUNDREDTH blog post, and had a giveaway to celebrate - and I have won a charm pack!

Not only am I delighted to have won (and have have come over all unnecessary), but I have never worked with a charm pack before, so it is very exciting!  I think I shall go and lay down under the letter box just so I don't miss it arriving!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lis


  1. So glad you are pleased :-) I have contacted Keira today and so you shouldn't be waiting under the letterbox for too long! Looking forward to seeing what you do with your charm pack - no pressure of course. x

  2. Woohoo! Now you haven't got time to play until you've done all your red list ;o)

  3. How fun! Congrats. Enjoy working with a charm pack! :)

  4. Oooh well done - I love a good charm pack or 3!

  5. You will LOVE it !! Congratulations to winning a giveaway ;-))


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