Tuesday 8 November 2011

Where did the last few days go?

I'm very behind on by Blog reading list, so sorry if i haven't commented to those of you who read here and blog elsewhere, and I'm behind on my post writing too, and, if truth be known, just between us, I haven't done much sewing either.

I have been talking to people about the Fun With Fabric sessions , and have designed a poster for the 'brand' and have opened a new blog with details of the where? when? how much? info for each venue (www.FunWithFabricUK.blogspot.com)
 But I have done SOME sewing!  I have  . . .

 . . . Pieced and basted and quilted  a girly I spy quilt for a friend's great niece (someone who is doing their Christmas shopping in advance!)

. . . Told Niki  how to piece, baste and quilt a quilt for a friend who has become a big sister (at 17!)

. . . Progressed Heather's Black and White and Pink to just needing half the binding to be stitched on (I didn't have enough of the pink or the black for binding, so it's mostly black with random flashes of pink - the photo doesn't show it very well, but I'm really pleased with it)
. . . And there are 5 Christmas sacks just needing the Good / Naughty  thingy to be added, and then they are good to go off the UFO list!


  1. Weeeeelll, okay, we'll forgive you for being absent ;o)

  2. I've been super behind on blogging/sewing lately too, so you're not the only one! I love the idea of a Christmas sack with the Naughty/Nice tag on it!

  3. Well done you! love the quilt for Heather - and that poster looks great too. in fact, all lovely, and very productive!

  4. Hi Benta! Wonderful quilts coming up! I loose my days ... and things, too! I'll go to visit that blog you have made!
    Have a great weekend1
    xxx Teje


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