Sunday 26 October 2014

Final Festival Entry

I posted a new finish for my large quilt entry to Amy's Bloggers Quilt Festival, but my second entry is a bit older.

Last year husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a once in a lifetime trip to see the northern lights

They were, needless to say, amazing!  I made this wall hanging as a reminder of the trip.  The fabrics are an assortment of Kona solids in a design that is related to Bargello, but a fairly distant relation!

To get the people (husband and I?) I designed them both for machine embroidery using PEDesign.  they are both stitched black on black, but the stitches are slanted in opposite directions so they catch the light differently.

I'm entering this as an Art Quilt


  1. Very unusual with a wonderful personal touch

  2. Very beautiful! I hope to see the Northern Lights someday too.

  3. Such a great quilt! I think the stitching of the people going in different directions so it catches the light differently is just genius and it would never have occurred to me. So very cool!


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