Thursday 21 May 2015

Bloggers Quilt Festival

If you haven't looked at any quilters blogs this week you might not know that there is s Bloggers Quilt Festival in progress, but you would be in a tiny minority!!!

Amy does a great job twice a year giving all quilters a place where they can show off their favourite creations.  You can visit by using this link 

I'm a bit late getting my post up this year, but I really wanted to enter this hand pieced and hand quilted quilt made for my best friend's first grandchild (I'm hugely jealous that she's got one and I haven't, but love that she, and her daughter, are happy to share him - to the extent that I am his Granny Benta!)

His quilt took ages - years in fact, but I'm really chuffed with it!


  1. well worth the effort x a beautiful quilt x

  2. Beautiful and my favorite sunny yellow!

  3. Such a lovely quilt! I do like hexie quilts with the hexie shape to the edge!

  4. Lovely quilt, always worth another showing.

  5. Muy bonito tu edredón!!!!
    me gusta

  6. Beautiful quilt! I bet he loves the sunny colours of his quilt almost as much as the sunny smile of "Granny Benta" :-)

  7. such a wonderfully cheerful quilt. I love it.


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