Wednesday 6 May 2015



You may recall I hosted a Ho Ho Ho and on We Sew linkie last month.  Thanks to a lot of hard work from Fiona and Paula, the people who finished something Christmassy and linked up were in a draw to win this fab tapestry:

 Congratulations to Sandra who was the winner - and who made these great stacking baskets

Wish you'd joined in? The next post in the series is from Karen at Practically Pippi, and should show upon the 18th May.  You can see the whole 2015 schedule here


  1. You forgot to mention your own hard work Benta, your Advent Calendar and tutorial are a great addition to our Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew archive!

  2. I was very pleased to get a Christmas gift completed early - and then to win the pattern was a BONUS! I can imagine that behind the scenes it IS a lot of work, so I'm very appreciative of the time it takes to keep a project like this running so smoothly - some of us (ME!) definitely need a kick in the behind to stay on track :D


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