Sunday 10 May 2015

Harrow Hexies

I have a hexies and triangles project I work on at mother-in-law's.

I had an idea for an arrangement: there is a blue owl in the centre followed by a round of darks, then a round of lights, then darks etc.

I spent a while of attaching pieces randomly: stopping and starting every few seams, but I have worked out a way to attach the pieces with continuous sewing

I hope makes *some* sense!
If I was working onto existing hexagons I would attach a triangle in the trough, then another on the flat of the hexi then another in the next trough.

When I'm ready to work onto the triangles I can sew down across and up one hexi, then the same again on the next.

And here is the lovely lady herself


  1. She is looking good and so are your hexes!

  2. Beautiful photo of you! Great tip to sew the hexagons, thanks, Benta! x Teje

  3. I do like the idea f triangles you have shared with us today
    So were you were in Harrow, I will be there on wednesday for a few days, small world!

  4. I like the triangles. They make the hexies stand out beautifully. And nice to see your MIL again. She's looking very well :)

  5. Fun project - I like your description of how to manage some continuous stitching on them!

  6. Wonderful shortcut stitchery! And MIL is looking lovely there too :-)


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