Monday 3 August 2015

Passacaglia - Procrastination or Progress?

A while ago Jackie got me a starter pack of templates for the La Passacaglia EPP quilt.  Do you know the one I mean?  It's this really beautiful one - I've added lots of them to a Pinterest Board

I've been putting it off, as there are so many pieces, and so many decisions to make!  I *finally* got all the shapes out and sorted them

And then I arranged them to create one of the bigger shapes.  There is a book, but I'm hoping to have a go based on looking at photos

Great as far as that goes, but this is a long term project so it's going to have to sit around for a while as I progress, and I was worried I might lose pieces in the meantime.  So I've had a go at ironing them into freezer paper: they have stuck and seem to be happy to peel off as I need them, so I think I am, gulp, ready to start on the first shape

Well, ready to consider fabrics anyway

To recover from the stress of thinking about maybe starting this, I made a few purses - I feel calmer now!


  1. I love the purses, fab zips. Great idea with the freezer paper, am looking forward to the start :-)

  2. that is one big challenge you have taken on, I follow a few people who are doing it, one lady is doing 2 versions one a mini one, glutton for punishment I think! Cute little purses, I fond a pattern for a similar one the other day another to do project

  3. Freezer paper is a genius idea!

  4. JUst dive in I'm sure it will become addictive!

  5. I may have to take another look at that P. board and add it to my
    'If I were going to quilt.....' board.

    Purses are much easier and now i want to see one made with the passacaglia technique.

  6. I'm sure you'll have fun with La P, once you get started!

  7. that is a beautiful thing - I am hooked on EPP lately and have one or two (!!!) projects on the go, have just begun a Patchwork of the Crosses too so dare not think about anything else... but it is so tempting! Mo in Daventry

    1. Hi Mo, lovely to see you commenting here! EPP is very addictive! Hope you enjoy FOQ if you're going this year xx

  8. I have a friend who enjoys EPP - I think it would stress me too much, all those bits and pieces - my fingers and eyes would complain :D I'm with you on sewing purses (or pouches, or zippies) to destress - it works for me too! I also like stitching scrappy string blocks - it's very calming :)


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