Thursday 18 August 2011

The Bag Lady

I'm obviously in a bag sort of mood today

The girls' God Mother's birthday was nearly two weeks ago, and none of us have seen anything perfect as a gift for her, and my God Daughter (her daughter) hasn't been able to suggest anything.

So I made a bag for her - the same design as the one I made a few weeks ago, but that Lisa "dibsed" before I even got a photo of it!

It's based on a lunch bag from the Pink Penguin (!) but I made it bigger as more of a biggish handbag / shopping bag.  I LOVE the drawer string liner.  It means your purse and phone are safe on the bottom, but letters to post, umbrella or bottle of water are accessible on top.

Next I finished off the lovely summery bag that Jackie made for me, it just needed top stitching, and slip stitching the turn-inside-out gap

But I was STILL in a baggy mood , so I made another version of the Pink Penguin bag.  This fabric I have had for ages . . .  

Husband went to Barbados a few years ago with his sister and her boys for her 60th birthday.  One of the conditions was that he bring me back some patchwork fabric.  A few days into the holiday, he rang me, almost in tears, (having survived a very Barbadian bus ride to the town) to say there was too much choice.  Ten minutes later he called again even more distraught - he'd found an upstairs with even more fabric!

When he came home he proudly produced four  lengths of fabric.  Three of the fabrics were obviously usable (even though they were all  heavy weight canvas, not patchwork fabric - sometimes men can be very 'special' can't they) but the fourth one was, um, slightly, er, masculine

Anyway, I now have a shopping bag, and from the off cuts, Brian has a new phone case!

The 1/4 inch foot hasn't arrived, what can I do now?


  1. How 'nutty'!!
    Bliney I thought I was good just thinking a bit about the 2 bags I want to make today!

  2. I love love love the pink penguin bag! (I am always in a bag mood - bags and shoes what can I say???) And having two small children it is nice to see a beautiful bag that is useful!

  3. I love the pink penguin bags, you really are a a bag lady!!


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