Sunday 21 August 2011

Chertsey Museum Part 2

So Friday's project with the Chertsey ladies was foundation flying geese.

This is the sample that I took along to show them what they would be doing

 And this I brought to show them what this could lead to! (just one block to finish,then two blocks to join and then I'm ready for borders . . .  only taken me a year, each block is 2.75 inches square!)

 Deborah went for some tiny flying geese, and managed to get quite far along her panel

Carol "saw" a Christmas tree in the geese, so we adapted the first section into a tree pot and she's off with green triangles for her tree

Denise started a wall hanging

While Kay is planning to make four two-geese panels and then assemble them as a pin wheel

Susan is new to the group, but as each project is unrelated to the others that wasn't a disadvantage
I thought I'd got photos of everyones work, but it would seem not.  Iris is also planning a pinwheel design, Beryl is making a wall hanging, and also took a piece of the tiny stars which she will use in a Christmas card, and Jenny had a couple of false starts, but I'm sure will wow us with her achievements next month.

Next month will actually be a sort of continuation project.  They want to do some quilting, so they will bring back their finished flying geese, and we will quilt them


  1. All looking good! Love the action in the log cabin and your pedicure is upto it's usual standard. Lol.

  2. You slave-driver you!
    Your quilt is rather amazing though, and probably scared them just a tad!

  3. Fabulous - I love hearing about you passing textile skills on through your teaching. Well done!

  4. I love the log cabin, colours are fab


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