Saturday, 24 September 2011

MORE piecing

I usually buy fabric with a vague idea as to how I'll use it, then change my mind several times, then change my mind again . . .you get the picture!

BUT . . . as soon as I saw these two fabrics I KNEW what I was going to make with them, and yesterday I got the urge!

The fabric got 

cut into 6 inch squares, 

stitched into Nine Patches,
cut into quarters,

stitched back together again


and again

and again, 

and just look at the scrummy yumminess that resulted!!!

I am so in love with this combination, but have no idea what to call it, or what to do with it.  Hopefully someone will have a baby girl soon!!! and hopefully a better name than "Brown & Flowers Disappearing 9 Patch" will occur to me!!!

Meanwhile - Jackie - I've run out of the fabric, if you are seeing AnneMarie before you come over can you get me a yard of the brown, and half a yard of the flowers for the borders and the binding, pretty please


  1. It looks like seeing a garden through a wicker fence. Very cute.

  2. Still keeping busy, I see - and it's looking lovely.

  3. This is Yummy! I LOVE those flowers. So cute. The pattern is pretty groovy. Groovy gardens?

  4. Oooh, fab! How about Flower To The Power Of Nine?

  5. I love the fabrics, and I like that block. Very pretty!!!

  6. No Problem and would madame like anything else??


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