Friday 30 September 2011

Lucky lucky me

I was so caught up in making things for my Goodie Swap partners, I'd sort of forgotten that I would also receive two packages.  Well one has arrived . . .

Beautifully wrapped (but not for long . . .

Just look at the yummy goodies my partner Caroline sent me: as well as the Mug Rug, she made a lovely little pin cushion (much needed) and the sweetest little pouch with . . .  a zip!!!  I am so in awe of anyone who can do zips!

Here is a close up of the Mug Rug - I love the rainbow circles, and the spotty binding, and the quilting is great

Thank you Caroline, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love it all

I haven't been at the computer or the sewing machine much - I was offered permanent work at  the school I've been temping at, but it includes earlier mornings and learning a new computer system, so my brain has been reeling this week, and I've mostly just crashed in front of the TV of an evening.

 I have a growing pile of strips waiting to be basted, but I loved the brown flowers (to be called Flower to the Power of 9, or
(not easy to do on Blogger, but mathematical minds will understand the pun!) Thanks to Katy at the littlest thistle who came up with the name, so I started another version of it:



  1. Great news about the job!!
    Love your swapsies - it is so easy to forget you are not only making, but people are making for you eh! Bonus!

  2. What neat goodies! I'm too intimidated to try zippers yet, myself, but one day I shall!

    I also need to tell you, I JUST realized the bag you sent my goodies in was also made by you! I had seen the little tag on the bag so I assumed it was storebought, but I was looking at it a few minutes ago and realized that the bag fabric matched the binding on the mug rug. "NO WAY!" thought I, and sure enough that little tag says it was made by you! NO WAY! Where did you get such professional little tags made? You are amazing!

  3. That is a great mugrug! Lucky you!

  4. Love the goodies, and congrats on the job! I'm blushing now that you chose my name for the quilt @o.o@

    I got your lovely parcel today too, thank you so much!


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