Tuesday 10 April 2012

Basted and Quilted

This is a very old flimsy that I found when I was looking for something else - it was so forgotten that wasn't even on the to-do list!  Poor thing!  Anyway, I had planned to piece the Stained Down Under top, but the machine was threaded with white, so lazy whatsit that I am, I decided to do this instead. (Doesn't it look like stained glass in this photo, taken with it hanging in front of a window)

I quilted a big spiral on each quarter, but have now put it to one side again, as I have NO idea what colour to bind it with

The machine was STILL threaded with white, so this top - an I Spy hand pieced in the Blue Mountains in December, was basted and quilted too

But I don't have enough cream for binding this one either, so back into another pile

Tomorrow will be the Stained Down Under!


  1. You cannot imagine how wonderful it is to hear that others sew according to what colour is on the machine (lazy cows all!!) xx

  2. Hi Benta! Your quilts are beautiful and I love that photo on the window, really like stained glass! I use mostly white thread but often I need to change many times during the work. Yesterday I had to even frog because I was lazy to change the down thread and then it just didn't look right.
    Happy sewing! x Teje

  3. Beautiful colours in that log cabin Benta.

  4. Beautiful colours in that log cabin Benta.

  5. Heh, an interesting approach to the WIP pile ;o) Looking good though!

  6. Oh the colours in the top quilt- are they ever beautiful! (I'd bind it in a darkish fabric not to take away from the depth of the colours)
    And the second is the sort of jolly quilt I love! (I'd bind it in a denimn coloured bluey fabric!)

    Why is it easier to see what could work with other folks quilt top and impossible to know what to do with my own?????

  7. Bind it log cabin in a dark fabric, I can help you shop for it if you want!!


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