Wednesday 25 April 2012

Wishing Wednesday

I wish my sewing room was a little tidier

And I wish I had the time and the inspiration to make something with this yummy collection of rainbow colours that have been building up


  1. The mess and the stack will still be there when you are ready to tackle them!

  2. Maybe the room tidying fairies will drop by tonight...

  3. Oh Benta - looks so much better than your kitchen! I think you have every reason to stay in there and work with those lovely spotty fabrics. xx

  4. If you clean it up, you won't be able to find anything!!!! The rainbow colors are so pretty!!

  5. That's what the inside of my head looks like!

  6. But tidy is so boring, much better to put your energy into creating beautiful things with that fab fabric

  7. I so agree with Annabelle; compared to the kitchen the sewing room looks very neat. The fabrics look lovely and I'm sure you'll turn them into something wonderful. xxx

  8. thank you for taking us into your sewingroom, I think it´s a great place to be ☺ I wish you time and good idear for these beautiful fabrics.
    Liebe Grüße


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