Friday, 16 May 2014

Bloggers Quilt Festival Part #1

I can lose hours and hours visiting Amy's online Bloggers Quilt Festival each year: she does an amazing job organising it all, and I always find new bloggers to follow, and to inspire me.

I'm entering this in the hand quilted section:

It's a brick layout iSpy quilt that has been hand pieced and hand quilted and even hand finished - not my usual style at all! 

It started when I needed some hand sewing to take on holiday, and it finished when I was invited to a virtual baby shower for the lovely Sarah who blogs here, so this is now Molly's iSpy quilt.

EDIT: And here is Molly ON her quilt - isn't she a sweetie!

I hope you enjoy seeing it - I certainly enjoyed making it!!!  Do visit Amy's blog and see all the other entries!


  1. I went by to look at your competition.... you're not there! Have you put a link up for it yet?! We'll want to vote for Mollys quilt!!! xxx

  2. What a wonderful way to showcase favorite fabrics. This quilt looks wonderful !

  3. Lovely hand quilting. Well done on doing every bit of it by hand xx

  4. What an interesting take of the standard I Spy! Love the fabrics ... What a fun quilt!

  5. I love these "brick" type of quilts and have done several myself - great work

  6. hand pieced AND hand quilted! You really out-did yourself!

  7. Your hand quilting stitches are so neat. A lovely quilt!

  8. Very cute, I Spy! Love that fabric with St Basil's on it...

  9. great quilt, I recognise some of the fabrics! Hand pieced AND hand quilted? wow, such patience!

  10. What a great way to make an ispy quilt! Love how you stitched around each brick.


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