Wednesday 14 May 2014

Random Ramble, and Fab Fabric

A brief update on some of the lovely people in my life
M has been operated on and it looks as if they got all the cancer. She still months of chemotherapy and possibly radiotherapy ahead of her, and only has one kidney, but the doctors expect full recovery. So pleased for her and her family

Aidan's quilt arrived, and he looks quite at home on it (edit - drat - I spelled his name wrong!)

Niki is on her way home 

And Lisa is home - and full of tales about her trip! She was so hyped up before she went, so I didn't mention the "F" word to her, but she knows her mummy! She only had a short time in Walmart, but achieved great results!

Thank you sweetie xxxx


  1. What a wonderful clever girl she is, and she has great taste in fabric welcome home Lisa xx

  2. Sounds like you have the bestest daughter too.
    "when daughters shop for fabrics for their mums....

  3. That's the beauty of having daughters, sons would never think of that :)

  4. Aren't you lucky! Not only a daughter home, but goodies to boot!
    Good news about M, and a lovely pic of A!

  5. what a clever daughter you have xx good news about the op xx enjoy your new presents x

  6. Lots of good news, I'm so pleased for you.

  7. Your daughter did so well in the fabric and bits buying department! I'll keep Miss M in my thoughts xx

  8. My goodness that a selection of fabrics!

  9. Glad to hear your daughter returned safely (I was assuming all was well since I didn't hear otherwise). If you want Walmart stuff in the future, all you need do is ask!


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