Wednesday 28 May 2014

Super Squishy

There are some bloggers that for some reason seem to be on my Facebook feed rather than my Bloglovin feed, and Kate is one of them (I've now got her on Bloglovin too!).

A while ago Kate posted on FB that she had some wool left over from assorted projects, was there anyone who wanted it.  Before I even saw the post, Amo had tagged me - was this something the kids at Crafty Church could use?

It certainly is, so I messaged Kate and she very kindly posted the wool to me - an enormous envelope arrived, with LOADS of wool!

Thank you Kate - I plan to make corn dollies with it - the kids will love it


  1. Isn't it great getting lovely squishy parcels :-)

  2. Love your squishy parcel. I was fortunate to receive one today, although it wasn't a gift!!

  3. That`s fabulous.Enjoy your squishy parcel!!


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