Thursday 1 September 2011

A lovely Wednesday

I had a great time with Lisa in Greenwich yesterday.

I did some shopping (I love Greenwich market!)

She showed me some making
(aren't they sweet!  And the pupil has surpassed the teacher - look at the tiny stitches, and the improvised beak, sigh!  I taught her all I know!!!!)

And I did some hand quilting on the train

What more can I ask?


  1. I LOVE that measuring tape bracelet!!!!

  2. Love the owl! I just posted an owl tutorial on my blog. I guess great minds think alike? (Of course, there are a lot of minds thinking of owls these days. Is it because of Harry Potter?)
    Looks like you had a great day!

  3. Looks like a fab way to spend a day to me, and love that owl

  4. I love the shopping and definitely know where the brains have gone in the family, FINALLY an owl with a beak!!!!!!


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