Monday 16 September 2013

A little bit of random

I'm not getting much sewing done, but thought I'd share this photo of my favourite niece wearing her new ski jacket (such a shame she lives in Australia!) - At least it's patchwork so it sort of belongs here

And this doesn't belong at all, but I warned you this was a random post!

This a photo I took when I popped in to see Niki at work - not often you get to see round the back of a bowling alley - this is where the pins end up either after you've knocked them down, (or in my case failed to knock them down) and they are getting ready to drop into place for the next go: it's much more fun watching the process from this side than being rubbish from the other side!


  1. Well at least she had some snow to pose against!

  2. Fabulous jacket! I want one ; )

  3. Wish I'd been able to hide on that side of the pins on Saturday!

  4. Very random and fun post! Your niece looks really cute in that patchwork jacket :)


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