Sunday 22 September 2013

Virtual Birthday Cake

No, I'm not teasing you with virtual cake again, this time I am being teased - my 'adopted' Irish nieces and nephews sent me this cake photo and greeting

But looking at the forks in the boys' hands I suspect it's all gone by now!

Thank you Jackie - I love your family :-)


  1. dont think you will get any of that cake xx

  2. Happy belated Birthday and a year full of happiness!

  3. And we all love you tooXXX (and the cake is all gone, but rest assured it went to good homes) :-)

  4. Ha, yes, it does look like it's now a distant memory

  5. A very slimming way to celebrate - having someone else eat all the cake! or maybe just a very posh way, having someone else do all that work of eating and digesting it! x


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