Saturday, 14 September 2013

Northern Lights Project

Thank you Plum and Nicky for the applique suggestion, the missing blocks have now been sorted and anchored with the FMQ that has been added to all the northern lights

I'm quite pleased with the result (left grey is original, right grey is appliqued)

I wanted to add the railings of the boat, as we saw the lights from the deck.  I tried piecing using the dark grey and black, but couldn't get the railings dark enough, after all we saw them late at night.  Brian suggested using black stitches, and I think it has worked

I also wanted to show a couple viewing the lights: my FMQ is certainly not up to creating this, but I am capable of creating a machine embroidery design to represent them, and although it took 39 minutes to stitch (probably my longest design) I'm really please with how this has come out

So it's not finished yet, but its starting to look as if it may actually be finished by the deadline of Fiona's Mini Quilt competition

Grab button for Celtic Thistle Stitches

So there is Bargello, FMQ, machine satin stitch, and embroidery machine features!


  1. Whew, glad you didn't have to unpick again!

  2. Hi Benta! This looks so exciting! I love how you made the people! x Teje

  3. Looks like you've covered all angles there. Looking forward to the reveal!!

  4. I love the people and the fact that you have used so many techniques!

  5. Wow! This is looking amazing. The applique and fmq has turned out really well and I love those people :)

  6. That looks fantastic, Benta! I really like the couple.

  7. Well done you - it's looking fab, Benta! Looking forward to seeing a pic of the whole thing!


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