Friday, 3 May 2013

Teacher Training

I may have mentioned that I am doing a sort of teacher training course, nothing as grand as training to be a real teacher: but this will qualify me to do the Adult Education classes that I have been doing for a few years.

We all have to do a 'micro teach' - teach a twenty minute lesson on anything so the tutor and the other students can feedback on our teaching skills.

Rather bravely it turned out, I decided to teach them all how to make a fabric flower brooch, and get them all to make one.  What I forgot to factor in is that my usual students are there because they want to make something from fabric.  Last night's motley crew included a dancer, a guy who runs a Drink Driving awareness course, a business tutor, a student adviser and a chef, and none of them had any interest in sewing at all.  They were all very supportive of me, but *everything* took much longer than usual.

Luckily, when the tutor called 'time' after my 20 minutes, they all begged to be able to carry on as they were enjoying it, so I must have done something right!

We did get 9 fabric flowers made, out of a class of 10, so that wasn't bad at all, and I managed to get pics of some of them

My feedback? Overwhelmingly that my timing was way off - it was!


  1. Lol. Maybe they should have suggested you know your audience better. Glad they enjoyed the make though. You must be a good teacher.

  2. Fantastic Benta! I'd be so terrified in that situation, glad it went so well!

  3. Well done Benta on getting them to do something outside their comfort zone! Sure sign of a good teacher!

  4. well done xx so what if the time was out ... they had fun .. and you will do better next time x

  5. Sounds like it was fun for the students but fairly nerve-wracking for you.I am sure you will sail through the course Benta!

  6. Hee hee, love that they wanted to finish anyway!

  7. Not your timing, Benta! They were too slow :)

  8. Well done you!!! I'm sure you're the only one that provided them with a momento of the day!!

  9. Well teachers often have to teach what their pupils really don't want to learn so I reckon hats off to you!


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